Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Denmark will be the most competitive country in the world

I watched the news a couple of days ago. One of the headlines was that social workers who spot a young pregnant girl who have been in the system will put a lot of pressure on this young girl to have an abortion. The reason given was the social heritage would result in greater chance of a negative result on this unborn child life income compared with the expenses the Danish state would have to provide to it.

Also if you are ill and unemployed you have to wait until those who are working are treated in hospitals.

The financial crisis has impacted our society in a huge way and now the time has come to measure every single future Dane to decide if this birth would benefit our society or not.

The price is paid by the poor families for now. As much as I hate to live in such a society, it is a necessary price because Denmark’s status as a welfare nation is a stake. In the United States they have introduced Obamacare. In Denmark you are no longer guaranteed free treatment of your child if the social services discover that the illness your child suffers from can be genetically connected to the parents. Then part of cost of the treatment will be billed to the parents due to a new law introduced last year. My cousin speaks of law number 498 of 2011, which have forced him to sell his house and move into a small apartment.

Our retirement age are planned to be increased maybe up to 80 years. Sadly the age where you can maintain your driver’s license without being forced to go to a doctor to be checked will not be increased. For us who are dependent of a driver’s license in relation to our jobs, this increase of our retirement age will leave us unemployed the last years before our retirement.

So it is basically necessary to kill unborn Danes for the rest of Denmark to be saved. I am kind of angry and believe that we have to demand a huge discount of the amount we pay to be member of EU. I also believe that we have to cut in the aid to the third world. But until our politicians cut in all the unnecessary spending to activities abroad, I sadly have to accept that murder is the path for Denmark to rise as the most competitive nation in the world.

For more information about the strategy of the social services, read these articles in Danish newspapers:

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