Thursday, December 22, 2011

Per Aarsleff - not a firm to hire

This firm fired an employee for going the extra mile. Whenever I work I don't care whether the sub-contractors I hire keep the speed limits. If they do their job faster than planed we are all happy despite whatever cost this extra speed may cost.

I find that such firms are just plain evil. The workers give all they got and then they don't care about their employees. Fact is that it is hard to find a country in the world where normal people are worse off than Denmark where they speed limits are so incredible low that you have no pleasure in life. I am against aid to 3. world countries because we have firms like this in Denmark. The suffering in 3. world countries we experience on various media are not hard enough compared with what we have to endure due to our politicians and firms like Per Aarsleff.

I want to see more suffering from abroad next year. Otherwise 2012 will be just as bad as 2011.

Source: Deliberate speed culprit fired after TV2 interview Internet hosting Plan