Saturday, June 6, 2009

Two types of awful television.

I happen to have seen two of the most disgusting TV-shows in my life this recent month.

First I watched the Danish version of the American TV-show Intervention. It Denmark it is called Ultimatum and the concept is that the family confronts the suffering abuser with two option: It is either treatment right now or a total cut-off from the family. While it is a new type of entertainment to broadcast in Denmark, it is also digusting to watch. Because it is not a matter of the abuser being ready to deal with the addiction. It is a choice between two kind of evilness. Either loose the support network or surrender to some kind of unknown and unsearched cultlike treatment. Treatment that in some cases has proven deadly because it is largely an unregulated area. Is that a free choice? Experts state that is not.

Here in Denmark we always were used to that people controlled their own destiny. They have free choices. Among those choices were also the right to destroy their own life. If they wanted to eat the best meat, drink the finest wine and enjoy the finest desert every day until they are overweigth and died from it, it is their choice.

After we have joined the European Union, Denmark have under pressure to a slow change where the free choices are no longer allowed. They pressured our parliament to pass a law with a lower limit on blood alcohol content so Swedish workers could work in Denmark without the social pressure to drink more than they generically are able to. In Sweden the alcohol purchase is heavily controlled and we are used to that they end up drunk down in Elsinore harbor and have to be carried aboard the ferry back to their homeland. Often they do that just by drinking skin milk. We have lowered our limit from the natural 0,08% to 0,05% so they wont kill people while driving home.

They have forced us to introduce a age limit on alcohol and tobacco purchase on 16 and 18 years. In Denmark it has been the custom for more than 200 years for youth to start enjoying these things when they are confirmed aged 14 or 15.

When we are seeing such TV-shows in Denmark it is a serious warning about that our culture is under international pressure and that we need to get our lazy butt out of the couch and vote for a person who wants to pull Denmark out of the European Union.

It is tomorrow. Remember to vote!

The other TV-show I watched was not broadcasted in Denmark. Thanks!

It is the TV-show: The world's strictest parents. You can see it on Youtube for the moment.

The consept is simple. You take two socalled unruly and troubled teenagers and exile them to strict parents far away.

These two teenagers were sent to Alabama to so religious parents, that I was wondering if they really were sent to Iran. Any minute I expected them to return home with a bomb belt strapped to their waste as we have seen it here in Europe.

They were forced to participate in volunteerwork, which is something you have when your country lack some steps in the development so such needs by homeless or others are solved by raising taxes. It was an huge example of disrespect on those two teenagers. In their developed country they pay taxes instead of doing volunteer work and while they were abroad they shouldn't be forced to take on local customs. In Denmark we are used to that some of the immigrants bring the violence they are used to back home to Denmark and while we don't like it, we recognize that it is the price of integration and being able to operate in a globalized world.

The productivity become far higher in a country if you let professionels handle social problems and leave the rest of the population unaware about what is going on, so they can use their time on start firms, work hard in their jobs and inventing products so the country can be in the frontline. That's a lesson we have learned and other countries can learn. The amount of volunteer workers have never been so low as it is in Denmark right now and we are handling the international finansial crisis far better than most nations.

Of course we have some volunteers but it is mostly lonely elderly people who wants to socialize. Basically they are not doing it to help others, but to avoid social isolation which is helping themselves.

So it was a nasty TV-show and it is my hope that we somehow will prevent such show to be broadcast in Denmark. We need to preserve our unique culture and that is yet another reason to step up and take responsbility and vote for a person who wants to pull our nation from the European Union, so we can get the Denmark we once knew back!

Please vote tomorrow June 7, 2009