The Copenhagen Climate Council is just around the corner and if you want to travel to Denmark in relationship with that this political dinner meeting I have a plea for you.
Please remain at home!
Our politicians have decided that the issue to save the earth is a task for the political elite worldwide. If you choose to protest that decision you will be arrested for sure.
The police has announced that they have a secret prison ready in a huge store room with cages for 500 people.
Also one of our large prisons is rebuilt based on old blueprint as it was during World War Two where the Germans ran it, so there will be room for 400 extra inmates. It will basically function as an Internment Camp for 40 days starting from the day the summit starts.
In relationship with the summit Denmark introduced some emergency laws. The basic outline is.
- The police can detain you for 12 hours without charging you. There are no rules for how short a period there should be between the 12 hour periods. Some have been arrested not 30 minutes after they had been detained the first time. Your stay in Denmark could be extended for months.
- If you are caught up in a riot and you block the police by just as little as sitting or lying down because you would not take part in the riots, you will be sentenced to 40 days in prison. If you have trouble getting away from a riot use violence against the other protesters until you are safe. The riots a couple of years ago showed that our courts functioned as rubber stamps during riots. They haven't the capacity to investigate the matter fully, language will be a barrier and they will generally follow the recommendation of the police.
- Don't bring anything with you that could be interpreted as a weapon. Denmark has the toughest weapon law in the world. Possession of a scissors or a knife on public road will put you in jail for at least 7 days. The size doesn't matter. Even ordinary Stanley knives used for work has resulted in prison sentences for construction workers during lunch break if they failed to empty their pockets before leaving their workplace.
Buy Danish!
Sex-workers will - as they do under every summit held in Copenhagen until now - have a lot of work because the 70% of the politicians and their workers who are just participating in the summit for a much needed break from their political work back home use them for various services.
However I have to point out that it is also common in relationship with summits in Copenhagen that some evil humans transport people from Eastern Europe and Africa to Denmark so these poor often young girls can work as prostitutes. I urge you to avoid buying services from these girls. Please do not support crime. Buy your services from the Danish sex-workers instead.
As an ordinary Dane I have to say that I just want to summit to be over with. Of course it results in some kind of official statement, but the politicians forget all about it when they return home as they have done with previous summits.
I know that we have done a lot to welcome the politicians who visit our country in relationship. Unfortunately one of the two most recognized leaders from Africa couldn't come. The leader of Sudan who has turned his country away from civil war has problems at home he need to address.
But the ender of Apartheid - Robert Mugabe - will turn up in Copenhagen. The hero and icon of a typical leader of a country in Africa will be there so he can steer the summit towards succesful goals. He had just had an easy task to governm his country so Danish students used this year to collect funds for schools in Zimbawe so he can silence the critics who stated that he would be unable to run the country in a way which would secure a proper schooling of children in his country.
We hope that he will enjoy his stay here. He is among the people we all hope will be able to reach results that can save the world at Copenhagen Climate Counsil,
I have to repeat the plea from the start of this blog-entry.
The climate of the world is NOT your issue or problem to worry about. Please leave it to those who have powers to change things for real.
I believe that it is difficult to host the COP15. Leaders of various countries who are dictators or have murdered a lot of people back home, have to be received as friends in order to achieve some result.
If Hitler had been alive today, he would have been welcomed too.
Personally I couldn't care less if this meeting result in something but I worry about having so many foreigners to visit Denmark. It will mean violence as other cultures are not that well-developed as we are in our superior culture.
I think that people should let the politicians do their work. They know best.
All that climate thing is not our concern. We are just normal overtaxed citizens with no rights to protest for real as the Danish weapon law is too tough.
I hope that foreigners listen to the warnings the National Riffle Association give. If weapon laws are slowly toughened your country will end up as Denmark where you pay more than 50 percent of your income in taxes without the ability to have some kind of influence on the politics, the politicians do.
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