This firm fired an employee for going the extra mile. Whenever I work I don't care whether the sub-contractors I hire keep the speed limits. If they do their job faster than planed we are all happy despite whatever cost this extra speed may cost.
I find that such firms are just plain evil. The workers give all they got and then they don't care about their employees. Fact is that it is hard to find a country in the world where normal people are worse off than Denmark where they speed limits are so incredible low that you have no pleasure in life. I am against aid to 3. world countries because we have firms like this in Denmark. The suffering in 3. world countries we experience on various media are not hard enough compared with what we have to endure due to our politicians and firms like Per Aarsleff.
I want to see more suffering from abroad next year. Otherwise 2012 will be just as bad as 2011.
Source: Deliberate speed culprit fired after TV2 interview Internet hosting Plan
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The youngest is home
Today my youngest is home resting while he hopefully gets his room cleaned.
We are against community service in general due to the huge amount of money we pay in taxes, so when they announced that the students in our high school could either do community service or sleep the day off, we decided that it would be a good idea for him to rest until tomorrow, but after all he has to clean his room for leftovers and other kind of garbage in his room.
I hope he has done the work when I return home. Otherwise I may have to raise my voice.
We are against community service in general due to the huge amount of money we pay in taxes, so when they announced that the students in our high school could either do community service or sleep the day off, we decided that it would be a good idea for him to rest until tomorrow, but after all he has to clean his room for leftovers and other kind of garbage in his room.
I hope he has done the work when I return home. Otherwise I may have to raise my voice.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Protest against the social services in Denmark

If you abuse a child placed by the social services you hardly gets any punishment. Just last month a therapist got only 60 days because he forced a 15 year old girl to give him oral sex.
That's why the parents had enough and they are protesting in front of our parliament tormorrow between 12 and 15.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Is the corruption widespread in the US justice system
I happened to watch the Lindsay Lohan hearing online because my son showed me the possibilities with his new Laptop.
I don't understand why it was a violation of probation to work for the Red Cross. Community service is community service regardless of where it was done. The probation department should be able to decide on their own if cheating is involved.
Unless - of course if certain facilities pays the courts to receive more criminals so they can make a fine business out of it. I suspect the woman center to have some kind of special status at the courts and it would very well involve a kind of cash flow.
It is not a seldom phenomenon. Most have heard of the kids-for-cash scandal in Pennsylvania.
I hope that the media will try to investigate if this woman center have gain an illegal advantage over other facilities used to punish people with community service within.
I feel it was wrong what took place in the court over in L.A. today.
I don't understand why it was a violation of probation to work for the Red Cross. Community service is community service regardless of where it was done. The probation department should be able to decide on their own if cheating is involved.
Unless - of course if certain facilities pays the courts to receive more criminals so they can make a fine business out of it. I suspect the woman center to have some kind of special status at the courts and it would very well involve a kind of cash flow.
It is not a seldom phenomenon. Most have heard of the kids-for-cash scandal in Pennsylvania.
I hope that the media will try to investigate if this woman center have gain an illegal advantage over other facilities used to punish people with community service within.
I feel it was wrong what took place in the court over in L.A. today.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
All computer work is voluntary work
Due to involvement of the trade Union known as HK it has become difficult to get a decent salery as computer specialist in Denmark. They have betrayed the workers in the computer business when they made a deal with the computerfirm CSC about a very low pay for computer work.
Now you can work in a shop or as an ordinary office assistant and get the same salery as if you was working as computer specialist.
It leaves no future for those considering that line of work.
Also it seems that they have imported a lot of small people from India working a cop of rice who took the work from Danish workers. Where are the politicians in this game? Shouldn't we have some kind of Green card system? Where are our border control? Was we betrayed by the European Union?
I am afraid of the future and I would certainly recommend that my children stay out of the computer business now where any work is paid with almost nothing.
Now you can work in a shop or as an ordinary office assistant and get the same salery as if you was working as computer specialist.
It leaves no future for those considering that line of work.
Also it seems that they have imported a lot of small people from India working a cop of rice who took the work from Danish workers. Where are the politicians in this game? Shouldn't we have some kind of Green card system? Where are our border control? Was we betrayed by the European Union?
I am afraid of the future and I would certainly recommend that my children stay out of the computer business now where any work is paid with almost nothing.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
They came to town with the 4 o'clock train
We had quite a laugh in courts this week. Some might have heard of the former humanitarian and author Niels Holck who is wanted because he aided MI6 and the central government who wanted to destabilize a region inside their artificial country.
In reality there should not have been any India. They are a bunch of small former kingdoms put together for some kind of political purpose none seems to remember and people who just want to live apart from New Delhi are forced to be citizens like the people in Punjab who would be better of being a part of Pakistan.
But anyway he should have been the nice guy regardless of the fact that MI6 should have been our friends and the communists who ruled that part of India used to kill whoever dared to cross their path.
One of former prime ministers visited India some years back wanting India's support so Copenhagen could host COP15 and to let their experts pull our old ships apart in quietness. He came back with a prize. We should start an extradition case so they could silence him. The operation went wrong and someone covered for him. He simply knows too much. Putin and Tony Blair rescued their citizens and properly got a good deal in the process.
But there was a problem. In a superior culture and democracy like ours we do things by the book. So when they came by this week with an expired warrant they were sent home being told to doctor new charges against the Danish humanitarian. It took them almost a full week.
I remember reading a book by Georges Remi where a reporter ended up in India following a drug lord. This rather accurate picture of the India culture left an impression telling me that they live a rather simple life down there trying to find simple solutions for their problems.
The world is complicated. Paper work needs to be in order. Otherwise you may just as well stay home.
CBI as their police seem to be named learned a lesson when they came to town with the 4 o'clock train.
But the real issue is that tourist, students and other Danes should stay away from India. It is easy to feel sorry for them regardless of the fact they don't burden themselves with real issues like our pension problems in the 2020-plan
CBI team in Denmark with expired warrant for Davy (Deccan Chronicle, may 19, 2011)
In reality there should not have been any India. They are a bunch of small former kingdoms put together for some kind of political purpose none seems to remember and people who just want to live apart from New Delhi are forced to be citizens like the people in Punjab who would be better of being a part of Pakistan.
But anyway he should have been the nice guy regardless of the fact that MI6 should have been our friends and the communists who ruled that part of India used to kill whoever dared to cross their path.
One of former prime ministers visited India some years back wanting India's support so Copenhagen could host COP15 and to let their experts pull our old ships apart in quietness. He came back with a prize. We should start an extradition case so they could silence him. The operation went wrong and someone covered for him. He simply knows too much. Putin and Tony Blair rescued their citizens and properly got a good deal in the process.
But there was a problem. In a superior culture and democracy like ours we do things by the book. So when they came by this week with an expired warrant they were sent home being told to doctor new charges against the Danish humanitarian. It took them almost a full week.
I remember reading a book by Georges Remi where a reporter ended up in India following a drug lord. This rather accurate picture of the India culture left an impression telling me that they live a rather simple life down there trying to find simple solutions for their problems.
The world is complicated. Paper work needs to be in order. Otherwise you may just as well stay home.
CBI as their police seem to be named learned a lesson when they came to town with the 4 o'clock train.
But the real issue is that tourist, students and other Danes should stay away from India. It is easy to feel sorry for them regardless of the fact they don't burden themselves with real issues like our pension problems in the 2020-plan
CBI team in Denmark with expired warrant for Davy (Deccan Chronicle, may 19, 2011)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Yes! You can get a career i Denmark as an immigrant
Some might have heard about the scandal in a firm called Gate Gourmet, which lives of delivering food to passengers on airplanes.
Gate Gourmet keep fraud case behind closed doors (Google translated article from
Gategroup-Betrüger ausfindig gemacht (NZZ Online)
I am happy to say that for the first time I feel that I have a real chance of getting a well-paid career in Denmark. All for too long the politics designed by the people in the Danish people party has told us that our parents came to Denmark to work in low paid jobs and as result we are expected to serve in such jobs too.
And it is true that it is difficult to find a country where the social heritage matters so much as in Denmark.
Youth who manage to get a higher education is most likely to have parents with the same level of higher education. It you are from the working class, then forget all about education.
The rich people have hired students to hunt down classmates who have copied books instead of buying them because the books used in education in Denmark are overpriced because they are a part of the salery the teachers earn.
The government has recently worked to remove student grants for people over 18 expecting their parents to pay for them which would be possible only by rich parents.
Most immigrants and poor people have given up about their education as they could see that it would be impossible.
Now Amanda Jacobsen is living proof that you can break that circle. She arrived in Denmark in 1984 from Iran. She changed her name to a Danish one as recommended by many teachers because most Danish firms would prefer Danish workers and she made her resume quiet colorfull because a lot of firms are in fact lazy and have outsourced the work of hiring people to various firms competing for the cheapest price.
Resumes in Denmark are not checked as they should be. In the old days the firms took in new workers when they knew the parents of a applicant or the stole workers from a competing firm. But in the end they had too few options when the old workers retired and now it is way easier to fool yourself into a Danish firm because the firms believe that they need foreign workers and new inputs to compete in a globalized world.
Amanda Jacobsen did show us the way to money and jobs. She has made us believe that we have a chance.
Gate Gourmet keep fraud case behind closed doors (Google translated article from
Gategroup-Betrüger ausfindig gemacht (NZZ Online)
I am happy to say that for the first time I feel that I have a real chance of getting a well-paid career in Denmark. All for too long the politics designed by the people in the Danish people party has told us that our parents came to Denmark to work in low paid jobs and as result we are expected to serve in such jobs too.
And it is true that it is difficult to find a country where the social heritage matters so much as in Denmark.
Youth who manage to get a higher education is most likely to have parents with the same level of higher education. It you are from the working class, then forget all about education.
The rich people have hired students to hunt down classmates who have copied books instead of buying them because the books used in education in Denmark are overpriced because they are a part of the salery the teachers earn.
The government has recently worked to remove student grants for people over 18 expecting their parents to pay for them which would be possible only by rich parents.
Most immigrants and poor people have given up about their education as they could see that it would be impossible.
Now Amanda Jacobsen is living proof that you can break that circle. She arrived in Denmark in 1984 from Iran. She changed her name to a Danish one as recommended by many teachers because most Danish firms would prefer Danish workers and she made her resume quiet colorfull because a lot of firms are in fact lazy and have outsourced the work of hiring people to various firms competing for the cheapest price.
Resumes in Denmark are not checked as they should be. In the old days the firms took in new workers when they knew the parents of a applicant or the stole workers from a competing firm. But in the end they had too few options when the old workers retired and now it is way easier to fool yourself into a Danish firm because the firms believe that they need foreign workers and new inputs to compete in a globalized world.
Amanda Jacobsen did show us the way to money and jobs. She has made us believe that we have a chance.
Amanda Jacobsen,
gate gourmet,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Reliving the worst time as a parent
When I read the newspaper of today it is impossible not to be reminded about the worst period of my career as a parent:
Danish Dragon boat capsized by wave, Politiken, 14 Feb. 2011
My son was at one of these schools. I remember that fear that you feel when you know that your child is isolated from the warm and love in your family unit. I remember how difficult the logistic was. He smoked tobacco which is a human right and they had to stand out in the cold long before it became law for the rest of the population.
Such hardship proved to be an awful test for him. It was certainly not something I as a responsible parent ever would have allowed my child to be exposed to.
Back then I feared for his life as he was forced to eat some different food than we as family was used to. They also had some wilderness expedition where he was exposed to the harshness of the elements.
In the end he survived although marked by the difficult period away from us.
I understand that the level of danger for the students involved in the capsizing in the ocean of course was higher. I pray that all the students will survive and return safe to their families. I hope that this episode will serve as a warning for other families considering allowing their children to study away from their home at such boarding schools.
You cannot be that lucky twice.
Danish Dragon boat capsized by wave, Politiken, 14 Feb. 2011
My son was at one of these schools. I remember that fear that you feel when you know that your child is isolated from the warm and love in your family unit. I remember how difficult the logistic was. He smoked tobacco which is a human right and they had to stand out in the cold long before it became law for the rest of the population.
Such hardship proved to be an awful test for him. It was certainly not something I as a responsible parent ever would have allowed my child to be exposed to.
Back then I feared for his life as he was forced to eat some different food than we as family was used to. They also had some wilderness expedition where he was exposed to the harshness of the elements.
In the end he survived although marked by the difficult period away from us.
I understand that the level of danger for the students involved in the capsizing in the ocean of course was higher. I pray that all the students will survive and return safe to their families. I hope that this episode will serve as a warning for other families considering allowing their children to study away from their home at such boarding schools.
You cannot be that lucky twice.
boarding school,
continuation school,
Præstø Fjord
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