Tuesday, December 15, 2009
COP15 is a joke
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Please stay home from the Copenhagen Climate Council

The Copenhagen Climate Council is just around the corner and if you want to travel to Denmark in relationship with that this political dinner meeting I have a plea for you.
Please remain at home!
Our politicians have decided that the issue to save the earth is a task for the political elite worldwide. If you choose to protest that decision you will be arrested for sure.
The police has announced that they have a secret prison ready in a huge store room with cages for 500 people.
Also one of our large prisons is rebuilt based on old blueprint as it was during World War Two where the Germans ran it, so there will be room for 400 extra inmates. It will basically function as an Internment Camp for 40 days starting from the day the summit starts.
In relationship with the summit Denmark introduced some emergency laws. The basic outline is.
- The police can detain you for 12 hours without charging you. There are no rules for how short a period there should be between the 12 hour periods. Some have been arrested not 30 minutes after they had been detained the first time. Your stay in Denmark could be extended for months.
- If you are caught up in a riot and you block the police by just as little as sitting or lying down because you would not take part in the riots, you will be sentenced to 40 days in prison. If you have trouble getting away from a riot use violence against the other protesters until you are safe. The riots a couple of years ago showed that our courts functioned as rubber stamps during riots. They haven't the capacity to investigate the matter fully, language will be a barrier and they will generally follow the recommendation of the police.
- Don't bring anything with you that could be interpreted as a weapon. Denmark has the toughest weapon law in the world. Possession of a scissors or a knife on public road will put you in jail for at least 7 days. The size doesn't matter. Even ordinary Stanley knives used for work has resulted in prison sentences for construction workers during lunch break if they failed to empty their pockets before leaving their workplace.
Buy Danish!
Sex-workers will - as they do under every summit held in Copenhagen until now - have a lot of work because the 70% of the politicians and their workers who are just participating in the summit for a much needed break from their political work back home use them for various services.
However I have to point out that it is also common in relationship with summits in Copenhagen that some evil humans transport people from Eastern Europe and Africa to Denmark so these poor often young girls can work as prostitutes. I urge you to avoid buying services from these girls. Please do not support crime. Buy your services from the Danish sex-workers instead.
As an ordinary Dane I have to say that I just want to summit to be over with. Of course it results in some kind of official statement, but the politicians forget all about it when they return home as they have done with previous summits.
I know that we have done a lot to welcome the politicians who visit our country in relationship. Unfortunately one of the two most recognized leaders from Africa couldn't come. The leader of Sudan who has turned his country away from civil war has problems at home he need to address.
But the ender of Apartheid - Robert Mugabe - will turn up in Copenhagen. The hero and icon of a typical leader of a country in Africa will be there so he can steer the summit towards succesful goals. He had just had an easy task to governm his country so Danish students used this year to collect funds for schools in Zimbawe so he can silence the critics who stated that he would be unable to run the country in a way which would secure a proper schooling of children in his country.
We hope that he will enjoy his stay here. He is among the people we all hope will be able to reach results that can save the world at Copenhagen Climate Counsil,
I have to repeat the plea from the start of this blog-entry.
The climate of the world is NOT your issue or problem to worry about. Please leave it to those who have powers to change things for real.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hopefully the United States will extradite criminals as we did
I hope that the Americans will be on a plane soon. The United States have been quick to demand so-called justice in the Camilla Broe case. The show trial they have cooked for her is supposed to start december 7 unless the honeymoon the prosecutor is on will delay the case further.
Of course the government in the United States could claim that the conviction is a kind of revenge due to an unfortunately accident where an Italian spy was killed in Iraq by U.S. troops. The Italian citizens have also not forgotten how the United States violated Italian airspace when they were going after the murders of the disabled Leon Klinghoffer. A rather dramatic stand-off between the soldiers of these two countries took place in an Italian airport.
There are evil blood between them and right now the Italian goverment already have one hostage - the Icon for an exchange student trip going wrong - Amanda Knox.
But the relationship between the United States and Italy is not of my concern. As a Dane I just want Danes being jailed abroad back home and I want to stop any extradition of Danes to whatever country regardless of what they have done.
If the 23 CIA agents are not send to Italy we as Danish citizens must demand that our government orders the United States to return Camilla Broe at once.
Justice must be equal for everyone!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Exchange student - the final blow against an old tradition
Now they wont let her get access to independent forensic experts, so they can question the so-called evidence in the case.
I have to say so-called evidence.
Take my home. In my kitchen you will find knives. You will be able to find my DNA on them. Why?
Because I live here!
You will also be able to find DNA from the other members of my household on every knife in the kitchen because we happen to involve our children in the process of making food.
Amanda Knox and the murdered english woman none seem to remember the name on shared an apartment, so it is obvious that Miss Knox's DNA should be on every item they share in the home. It is hardly surprising.
Now we all know that they will find her guilty. She is without any real defense. There was never an intention of giving her a fair trial!!
Her case was a final warning that laws have changed in the world since 9/11. Now you cannot travel abroad and be secured a legal defense if something goes wrong. It is sad because it is important to secure travelers legal protection. It is not that people travel to another country with intention to commit a crime, but people are easy picked on when they are foreigners.
I remember a former Danish soccer player, who was sentenced to jail just because he happened to drive a car in a town where one of his teammates was involved in a traffic accident. I googled and found a website with more info about this case and some others where Danish citizens have become victims of xenophobia.
To make matter worse returning to your native country is not guarantee that you are safe. A Danish woman - Camilla Broe - was extradited on some very loose claims about her having covered up a crime made by a former boyfriend. She is facing a showtrial in Miami in December having left behind a 10 year old daughter.
It is as awful as it can get and I am so disappointed that the Danish courts let her go regardless of the fact that the charges they were presented for are far from those she is facing abroad. Then what is the point of letting Danish authorities look at the charges if they can be altered when she is leaving Denmark?
Anyhow the Amanda Knox case is for me marking an end to a period where families could allow their relatives to travel abroad and study. I would never let my children travel abroad.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Disbelief - it cannot take place in a democracy
Teenagers sentenced in Prom Party Case, Greenville News
Well, a teenager who is a son of one of my co-workers want to travel to the United States to study a year in an American High School. His parents would not let him. I understand him. There is a lot of dangers connected to such an entreprise.
I would certainly not let my children take a year in this country. They are integrated Danes today and use alcohol as almost every other Danish High School students.
They will be thrown in jail within 14 days if they should live like under laws the American students suffer under.
Second of all there is the question of legal procecution later in life. As some kind of political deal our supreme court was not allowed to deal with the Camilla Broe case. A decision which most legal experts do not understand. The poor single mother of a 10 year old girl are in the process of saying goodbye for the last time to her daughter as she is waiting to be extradited on some bogus charges in Florida.
The real tragedy in this story is that Broe does not seem to understand that she is victim of a political setup. She is in the process to collect 300,000 Danish krones to cover the legal cost. Those of you who are naive can learn how to support her here:
But the sad truth is that the extradition agreement between Denmark and the United States are an invitation to plead guilty. Remember, she will return to Denmark within 6 month after she has got her sentence. However, if she choose to fight the trial will last between 3-6 years and it is likely that the prosecution will demand that she is detained while the trial is ongoing. She will be broken and the money will last nowhere.
Most legal expert would advise her to plead guilty to whatever charges they can invent, because a defense based on the battered woman syndrome is useless. It proved of no value in the Faye Copeland case.
She believes she is innocent and she is not aware that she should use the Alford plea when facing a setup like that which only leaves her the choice to give the prosecutors what they want or be broken in a cruel jail.
But back to the son of my co-worker. I hope that they are succesful in preventing him from taking a year as an exchange student. To live a year on very limited freedom is nothing to long for.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Just saw the most awful TV-show on Youtube
While they are away they live like the locals at a host family. Host families used to be very used by controversial drug treatment programs. Survivors speak of unbearable torment.
This time two teenagers were sent to South Africa to live at a family who were farmers. They also had to go to rather mysterious school where the student had to wear school uniforms and march in some military formation like it was known in the former East-block countries until the totalitarian regime fell down.
It was just an awful episode to watch. Where were the teenagers happily drinking alcohol while learning about each other and sharing life experiences?
Do they not create murderers and violent people by enforcing such a strict structure in school? Yes, they do! South Africa is one of the most dangerous countries to live in when it comes to the amount of murders. In Denmark we know how important it is to let youth buy alcohol in an early age and let them drink with each other. Sadly we have learned it the hard way because when youth don’t drink alcohol they tend to marginalized themselves and form groups of youth with another social values than the common population. As stricter the school environment get, the larger risk of violence and anti-social behavior gets.
Right now the foreign departments in a lot of other countries warn tourists from visiting certain parts of Denmark where those non-drinking youth have armed themselves and are shooting at people who looks like they have owned or driven a motorcycle at some point.
It is groups who will support the terrorist behind the 9/11 attacks at any time. We know it because they did drive around the streets and celebrated that terrible act of terrorism when it did happen. It forced us to deliver the most damaging strike against the morale among the terrorists when we printed the pictures of some false prophet according to our religious belief.
I don’t know the reason for sending teenagers from a peaceful country like Australia to South Africa, but it’s just wrong. Danish youth is among the most reluctant you from traveling abroad and study. Of course part of this behavior is owned to the fact that the Danish education system is second to none worldwide. Our education system in Denmark targets the education of the whole person. It is not about studying for some test. It is about understanding the subject and yet remains critical to it.
Even a full year in a United States High School is not rewarded with credits once the student returns home. The level of education is just too different.
Today we are very aware of the fact that it is important to prevent fauna pollution. Various cultures do not mix well.
If a Danish Television channel should consider taking this concept up, I will create a protest group at once.
I happen to be very close to crying when I saw this torment Jono and Bailey was forced to undergo, which for Jono’s case even went to far to altering his appearance. I have spoken to not so few where just like a thing like shaving your beard is something which is against the religious belief and even that was not respected.
I don’t know what is wrong with the entertainment business these years. It seems like it is a question about topping the amount of abuse and torment in every show. There were Brat Camp where one of the participants became victim of happy slapping when he returned home so he was forced into hiding. Then we had Exiled where the participants went to countries where people are held ransom or countries which were in civil war just months after they left.
Now this!
Will it ever stop? Can we not settle by living happily in our countries without learning about what other people are doing, so our youth can focus on what it best in their lives?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The most cruel history this summer
But the police in the United States won't send the papers needed to explain what she is charged with. They just demanded her to participate in kind of show trial.
But is those documents correct. It would not be the first time Danish courts are fooled by American papers. Kirsten Chesnut discovered how her child was stolen from her and while he is now 18 and can travel to see his mother a lot of opotunities and a bright future were stolen from him.
Even when her son Christian made it into an university with a scholership, it is nothing compared with the level of education he could have got in Denmark if the Danish court system hadn't made this terrible error back then.
It is common knowledge that Danish students who take a year in High School in the United States cannot get credits they can use in a Danish High School. The level of education in Denmark is simply too high. It is not the level in a single subject that is the problem. They don't simply teach whole people in the United States. They train to pass a test or exam. They have no social life as alcohol is forbidden for youth under 21 where we in Denmark need to apply a certain level of security so our students can spot a youth not drinking - a potential suicide bomber - at distance. A very important matter in a time where we have a war on terrorism where the criminals most important weapon is road side bombs and suicide bombers.
So Christian Chesnut and his mother had their lives destroyed.
Not it is another woman - Camilla Broe - who is facing what will result in her death, if she choose to seek justice.
Most people in the Danish legal world recommend her to seek a plea bargain, because a trial could take years. If she accept whatever charges they can invent - true or not - she can return to Denmark within 6 months, where she will get a new sentence which based on the fact that she hasn't committed any crimes since her arrival in Denmark many years ago would be a suspended sentence.
It won't be justice but with a primitive justice system like Florida where kids are being crushed every day, none can expect better.
So it is not a happy summer in Denmark this year and the cases have meant that people in Denmark are beginning to question both our participation in the war on terrorism, our soldiers presence in Afghanistan and even our membership of NATO
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Two types of awful television.
First I watched the Danish version of the American TV-show Intervention. It Denmark it is called Ultimatum and the concept is that the family confronts the suffering abuser with two option: It is either treatment right now or a total cut-off from the family. While it is a new type of entertainment to broadcast in Denmark, it is also digusting to watch. Because it is not a matter of the abuser being ready to deal with the addiction. It is a choice between two kind of evilness. Either loose the support network or surrender to some kind of unknown and unsearched cultlike treatment. Treatment that in some cases has proven deadly because it is largely an unregulated area. Is that a free choice? Experts state that is not.
Here in Denmark we always were used to that people controlled their own destiny. They have free choices. Among those choices were also the right to destroy their own life. If they wanted to eat the best meat, drink the finest wine and enjoy the finest desert every day until they are overweigth and died from it, it is their choice.
After we have joined the European Union, Denmark have under pressure to a slow change where the free choices are no longer allowed. They pressured our parliament to pass a law with a lower limit on blood alcohol content so Swedish workers could work in Denmark without the social pressure to drink more than they generically are able to. In Sweden the alcohol purchase is heavily controlled and we are used to that they end up drunk down in Elsinore harbor and have to be carried aboard the ferry back to their homeland. Often they do that just by drinking skin milk. We have lowered our limit from the natural 0,08% to 0,05% so they wont kill people while driving home.
They have forced us to introduce a age limit on alcohol and tobacco purchase on 16 and 18 years. In Denmark it has been the custom for more than 200 years for youth to start enjoying these things when they are confirmed aged 14 or 15.
When we are seeing such TV-shows in Denmark it is a serious warning about that our culture is under international pressure and that we need to get our lazy butt out of the couch and vote for a person who wants to pull Denmark out of the European Union.
It is tomorrow. Remember to vote!
The other TV-show I watched was not broadcasted in Denmark. Thanks!
It is the TV-show: The world's strictest parents. You can see it on Youtube for the moment.
The consept is simple. You take two socalled unruly and troubled teenagers and exile them to strict parents far away.
These two teenagers were sent to Alabama to so religious parents, that I was wondering if they really were sent to Iran. Any minute I expected them to return home with a bomb belt strapped to their waste as we have seen it here in Europe.
They were forced to participate in volunteerwork, which is something you have when your country lack some steps in the development so such needs by homeless or others are solved by raising taxes. It was an huge example of disrespect on those two teenagers. In their developed country they pay taxes instead of doing volunteer work and while they were abroad they shouldn't be forced to take on local customs. In Denmark we are used to that some of the immigrants bring the violence they are used to back home to Denmark and while we don't like it, we recognize that it is the price of integration and being able to operate in a globalized world.
The productivity become far higher in a country if you let professionels handle social problems and leave the rest of the population unaware about what is going on, so they can use their time on start firms, work hard in their jobs and inventing products so the country can be in the frontline. That's a lesson we have learned and other countries can learn. The amount of volunteer workers have never been so low as it is in Denmark right now and we are handling the international finansial crisis far better than most nations.
Of course we have some volunteers but it is mostly lonely elderly people who wants to socialize. Basically they are not doing it to help others, but to avoid social isolation which is helping themselves.
So it was a nasty TV-show and it is my hope that we somehow will prevent such show to be broadcast in Denmark. We need to preserve our unique culture and that is yet another reason to step up and take responsbility and vote for a person who wants to pull our nation from the European Union, so we can get the Denmark we once knew back!
Please vote tomorrow June 7, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Trigger-happy bastards
They got the permission and then all things were supposed to run smoothly.
It didn't
"Armed" student causes terrorist alarm, Politiken
Then I have to ask: What kind of movie did they believe the students was supposed to shoot? It is rather obivious that the script called for a gun.
The students was treated unfairly and once again the authorities showed that Denmark has lost the war against terrorism. We might as well redraw our troops from Afghanistan because the terrorists has won the moral war. We are a population living in pure fear!!!
It is not the first time our police overreacted. When the police helped a rather fundamentalist group to tear down the Ungdomshuset, the police confiscated a computer due to a exam task over nutrition
The written assignment was named "Riot or Diet". Riot was at that time a forbidden word in Denmark. Just putting it on print was reason enough to the destroy the future of this young student because without turning it in, she was unable to graduate forever because she would be so old when she was finished that she would't have years enough to pay off her student debts. A life destroyed due to just one word!
I don't know how it came to this stage of panic in Denmark. Maybe it is all the drive-by shootings conducted by immigrants because they want to control the drug market. Maybe it is the fact that a huge part of immigrants drove around in our streets celebrating 9/11.
But we have lost the most important we have left. We have forgotten not to take thing serious. It is very important when you pay more than 50 percent in income tax and have no access to early retirement longer. Just monday another woman was sentenced for using the b-word at the security when she was asked a leading question as if a terrorist will answer truthfully about this subject.
I have decided not to go near an airport in the future and I will advice everyone to do the same. It is just not worth risk prison just because our instict will cause us joke about the harassment we are put through.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I fear for my children
Because youth wants to hang out and find unity, they become easy target for the rekruters which will provide them with alcohol and drugs if they cannot buy alcohol in the stores.
In some parts of Jutland younger children aged around 13-15, who used to drink when their parents sent them down to the shop to buy beers have turned to crimes and they steal boxes of beer from peoples sheds.
Why criminalize our youth. I decided to live here in Denmark because this country were known for its freedom to do what they want within the borders of the law. I have lovely wife, but it a man choose to live with a man, they can get papers on each other down at the town hall - almost as a marriage.
It seems that Denmark is on a slow path forward to a dictatorship.
Even the question how people wants to dress is adressed as if they were living in Iran. At some schools they don't want trousers that expose skin because they fit badly. As one out of three siblings I often got clothes, which was too small for my older brother. It was often too large for me, but I had to wear it anyway. All those rules. I am beginning to understand why every third of the students in our 9'th grade have been missing the last 14 days.
But also in town certain dresses can prevent you from getting inside. It is rather odd, because this socalled "Strudhætte" have been worn for more than 500 years. It is an old tradition.
I am beginning to fear that we force the youth into the hands of the gangs. What meaning does the words of Jesus have today? Did he not say: "Let the children come to me"?
Let us accept that youth are different. They experiment with alcohol. They want to try things. Accept those things regardless if the sight is not always pretty.
It is only by learning from their mistakes that they can get better people. If we choose dialogue instead of rejection, the gangs wont have it so easy.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Prevented from living our lives fully
Lately it seems that it is a confirmed strategy here in Denmark to make every live like monks and nuns.
We such a thing like the Prevention Commission. The reason for establishing such a government thing was Denmark was decleared one of the happiest nations to live in some years back.
Denmark is a part of the European Union and they complained because the deal about this cooperation is that all nations have to be equal. They call it harmonization. So our government was forced to act so we would not be kicked out.
They have called for heavier restriction on tobacco. Today most boarding schools allows smoking outside. It benefits teamworks and the youth learn to know each other. It is easy to break the ice of silence when you are new and nervous in a boarding school when you offer a cigarette to a student.
They also want to raise the ban on alcohol purchase from 16 to 18 with no regards of the dangers it puts on the streets if youth can drive without knowing the dangers of alcohol in advance. They want to fight our alcohol culture. I find that they are trying to suck all joy out of life and creating a foundation a more extremist.
If you go some posts back you will learn that my son was detained at one of our continuation schools also called "Efterskole" in Danish. We were so lucky that he was able to be released before they raised the age limit for tobacco purchase to 18, but I still feel bad for those kids left behind and their parents who are facing a rather difficult logistic problem. All that suffering for no reason. At the school my son "attended" they learned to know eachother rather well when they smoke during breaks outside. As harsh as the program was with no alcohol allowed and fixed bedtimes (Unbelievable when we was talking year 2008), he made friends at this isolated and godforsaken place. He didn't left without scares. Nightmares are still a huge part of his life, which he has to thank them for, but the team work and the unity he met during the breaks was the one factor which made him decide to live instead of die.
I fear for your youth. If they make it harder to purchase alcohol they will turn to obtain something to party on by criminals. Criminals who will sell them drugs. Drugs that finance the on-going attacks made by youth gangs on Biker gangs.
Raising the alcohol purchase age will result in more crimes. It will properly result in an increased number of drug-users. It will properly result in more crimes.
So why do these things?
At least the policians in our parliament were quick to proclaim that they would not touch any of these suggestions. I guess they know that they have to be re-elected if they want to keep their jobs.
Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth
Alcohol culture in Denmark
Commission: Rich and smart drink most - The Prevention Commission has declared battle on Denmark’s alcohol culture. Government supports the move.
Commission calls for more bans to protect public health
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Who are we supposed to be most afraid off?
Trust me, I am terrified with the shootings around Denmark due to the ongoing gang war between biker clubs and gangs consisting of second or third generation immigrants, but now where our government has taken side and has introduced new tough laws which means deportation of gang-members with non-Danish etnic roots, this war will end in short time.
However now the population will suffer again and this time it is the central government over in Copenhagen who is the tormenters.
It seems that we ordinary citizens are supposed to live in scare for the rest of our lives.
I am almost coming to the conclusion that I rather want to live with the fear of being struck by a bullet than living with the fear of ongoing monitoring by the policeforces from the central government.
What do they want from us?
First they order that hand-held phones are banned. So we all start texting because the quality of handsfree solutions under 50 dollars are poor. That means more danger in trafic than hand-held phones if you ask me.
Speeding is considered something to be proud off if you ask around inside Danish firms. When an employee is speeding he is also showing that how faithful the employee is toward both his colleagues and firm. The government is asking for an increase in unemployment and outsourcing of jobs abroad. Why sending more jobs to foreign countries? We send all our old ships to India already when they are sold for scrap, but ships are big in size. There is no profit in sending smaller items to the third world for scrapping.
This scare-tactics of our government is un-danish and we cannot recover from the present economical crisis if we all run around scared.
But it seems that our politicians has lost touch with the population and a solution to how we can regain the connection to them will demand too much from a beaten nation. So we have no choice but to live in fear.
I am afraid all the time.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Civil war in Denmark
Back in the 1980's Hell Angels entered Denmark and started a war with an all Danish biker club called Bullshit. After introducing machineguns they wiped out Bullshit and took over the drug market which until 2003 was concentrated in a part of Copenhagen which proclaimed their independence of the Danish laws in 1971 (Christiania).
In 1994 the second gang war started. This was called the Great Nordic Biker War. This time they used weapons left behind by the Red army. We were talking anti-tank rockets and of course machine guns. Our army was tied up in Bosnia and the biker gangs outgunned the police forces 10 times. The Danish police did however increase their firepower and political pressure and threats of recalling our army meant that the Tinndahn-Nielsen peace agreement was made in 1997.
This agreement divided the drug market in Denmark between the two groups.
Some years ago our present government invaded Christiania and closed Pusher Street. A huge percentage of our police force is now tied as an occupying force limiting their capacity in relationship with other police business.
The same year the age limit for alcohol purchase limit was raised from 15 to 16. As result of the invasion the drug market were spread out all over our country. Where the police in the old days stood at the border and fined people for drug use, drugs are now sold in every school all over our country.
But not only is the closure of Pusher Street to blame. Danes are introduced to alcohol by their parents aged 14 or 15 when they are confirmed. With the old age limit they could purchase alcohol in the shops without disturbing their parents. Personally I have no problems with a teen aged 14 drinking alcohol, but here kids are generally polite and leave us alone instead of asking for the same thing all day. Unfortunately the difficult access to alcohol means that they turn to drugs instead. We are now talking of 2 drugs users in every class-room when they are leaving middle school. We have a European statistic here.
After the second gang war the biker clubs became lazy. New groups of second generation youth coming from the Middle East entered the market. They are youth who celebrate 9/11 as a victory.
The official Denmark asked the media to start the Cartoon war. The cartoons were based on Herge's masterpiece from 1930 of a journalist from Belgium visiting the Central Republic of Congo. Our victory was huge, but it didn't scare the youth gangs away.
Last year the third gang war started and now people in certain parts of Copenhagen are strip-search both by the police and the youth gangs when they enter parts of Denmark no longer under control by the central government in Copenhagen. As ordinary and peaceful citizens we are placed in a loose-loose situation.
1) The police have given extra powers to strip-search people without reason. They can detain people for 6 hours as preventive detention. They don't have to bring charges forward and don't need to involve the court-system. The damage for ordinary citizens are huge if they are recognized by family, colleagues or business partners because it means guilt in the eyes of the public if a person has business with the police without protesting loudly. If we choose to leave our house our reputation and career could be damaged beyond repair.
2) If the youth gangs find tattoos or people are unshaved looking like a member of a biker gang undercover they are attacked with knife or guns.
3) In towns outside Copenhagen locals attack strangers. Several yokels attacked a college with foreigners because they had been insulted by people from Iceland. Unfortunately they started to shoot at people from Poland. In Denmark a person is regarded as a stranger if this person chooses to move more than 50 kilometers from his or her hometown.
Right now we are prisoners in our own home. We are waiting whether our government decides to pull our forces from the 11'th Christian crusade in Afghanistan. The gang war is now a full scale civil war. Just yesterday the police created a strip-search zone in Esbjerg in Jutland.
Just the last 48 hours, two people have been shot. One of them died. I am going to shut doors and windows and limit my time outside the home to a minimum.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cut off from my family
Now I have to use a full day to visit my family. I live in the northern part of Sealand and my family lives in the southern part.
Thanks God for the internet. I will try to visit them once or twice per year.
However I am not alone. A lot of families are broken up due to this new ban in traffic outside the high ways.
I dont know why they suddenly would interfere in a lot of people lives in that way. It is not only family being forced to break up. It is also a question about infrastructure. This is going to cost jobs! Several experts are talking of about 250,000 - 500,000 people out of job in January 2010.
Why? We know about the dangers on our roads. We accept that mobility cost lives. We don't expect living very long and there is no reason for it when they have cut in the early retirement and the politicians refers to retired people as the burden of elderlies.
Totally unaccepted. Nothing else.